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Data provided by Marvel. © 2024 Marvel


First Appearance: X-MEN Vol. 1 #1
Base of Operations: Currently unrevealed, formerly Asteroid M; various hidden bases on Earth including one in Antarctica; an island in the Bermuda Triangle; Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Salem Center, Westchester County, New York
Occupation: Currently Revolutionary and Conqueror, formerly Volunteer Orderly, Secret Agent
Group Affiliation:: Currently None, formerly Brotherhood of Evil Mutants I and II, X-Men, teacher of the New Mutants, Lords Cardinal of the Hellfire Club, leader of the Acolytes

Personal Stats

Full Name: Erik Magnus Lensherr
Alignment: bad
Gender: Male
Race: Mutant
Height: 6'2 ( 188 cm )
Weight: 190 lb ( 86 kg )

Hero Stats

Combat: 80
Durability: 84
Intelligence: 88
Power: 91
Speed: 27
Strength: 80

Comics List

Publisher: Marvel Comics

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